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Manufacturer : Generic | Active substance : Sildenafil | Prescription : Not Required

Fildena is an effective treatment for men suffering from erectile dysfunction or impotency. It is a prescription medication and contains sildenafil citrate as its active ingredient.

Fildena 50 mg

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Fildena 100 mg

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Fildena 150 mg

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Method of Usage



What is Fildena?


Fildena is an effective treatment for men suffering from erectile dysfunction or impotency.


It is a prescription medication and contains sildenafil citrate as its active ingredient.


Buy Fildena 100mg pill not only treats your ED condition but also gives back the sexual life that you might be missing.


Erectile dysfunction is a male sexual disorder when you are not able to achieve and maintain an erection for sexual intercourse.


However, with Fildena 100mg you can easily treat your ED condition that is caused due to various physical & psychological problems.


Buy cheap Fildena is available in online at different strengths and dosage forms like Fildena 50mg, 100mg, 150mg as well as 200mg.


You must know that the latter two strengths are used during the treatment of severe erectile dysfunction.


Intake of the pill ensures increased blood flow to the male reproductive organ causing firm erections.


To experience desired hardness in your erections while suffering from erectile failures, you must take Fildena 100mg.


The pill is capable of offering you hard erections that too with great sustainability.


By using the Fildena pill, you can easily bring back the desired hardness in the male sexual organ.


Nowadays, you can easily buy Fildena for sale at licensed online pharmacy and save money after the prescription of the doctor.


Therefore, if you are still thinking about where to buy Fildena, then contact our online pharmacy.


How does Fildena work?


Fildena contains sildenafil citrate as its active ingredient that aids in relaxing the blood vessels.


In this way, there is a smooth blood flow to the erectile tissues of the male sexual organ by inhibiting PDE-5 enzymes.


The enzyme helps in reducing the blood flow in erectile tissues which is present in the male sexual organ.


After induction of cGMP, nitric oxide inactivates the PDE-5 enzyme, and blood flow is increased to the male sexual organ.


As a result, your erectile function is improved and you start experiencing hard and firm erections.


However, you need to be sexually aroused to experience the effects of Fildena pills.


How to use Fildena?


Before starting the intake of this pill, you must read the patient information leaflet carefully.


For the treatment of erectile dysfunction in men, Fildena tablet acts in the same way as other ED medicines.


You can take the pill orally with water without chewing, breaking, or crushing it.


Keep one thing in your mind, you must now exceed more than 100mg in a day without asking your doctor.


It is better to take the medicine on an empty stomach to attain its quick results.


You must know that taking the medication with a meal is likely to delay the start effects of Fildena.


Usually, the doctors recommend ED patients take the prescribed dosage 01 hours before the planned sexual activity.


However, the pill can also be taken 30 minutes to 04 hours before indulging in a lovemaking session with your partner.


It is necessary to keep a gap of at least 24 hours before taking the next tablet of Fildena.


The doctor might start your ED treatment first with fildena 50mg and then gradually increase or decrease the dose.


Depending upon your age and medical condition, the doctor will recommend you right dosage.


Without the recommendation of your doctor, you must never increase or decrease the dose.


Increasing the dose might cause serious side effects while a decrease in the prescribed dose will not offer you effective results.


Apart from this, you must strictly follow your doctor’s direction and if there is any confusion then clear it.


Fildena precautions


There are some important precautions that you must consider before starting the consumption of Fildena:


You must never use this ED pill if you suffer from the following health issues:

  • Liver disease
  • Low blood pressure
  • Kidney disease
  • Nasal congestion
  • High blood pressure
  • Any kind of heart problems


When taking fildena pill, you must not consume alcohol because alcohol might cause side effects like dizziness.

Never take the ED medication with fat-rich food as the effect of the drug is reduced to a great extent.


Inform the doctor beforehand about all other herbal supplements, prescription and non -prescription medicines you take.


In case, you take medicine for treating chest pain that contains nitrates then consult the doctor once before taking Fildena.


Sildenafil tablet is not intended for use in women, minors as well as people on nitrates such as nitroglycerine.


Before starting the dose, you must meet the doctor and inform him about your medical history.


This medication is not recommended for any person who is below the age of 18 years due to its side effects.


If you are allergic to sildenafil citrate or have any other kind of allergies then tell about them beforehand.


Considering all these precautions can reduce the risk of side effects and offer full benefits to Fildena.


Fildena side effects


It is observed that most men taking Fildena do not suffer from any side effects.


Since it is a drug, there can be some possible interaction with medical conditions and other medications you take.


While taking this medication, if you suffer from any side effects then inform the doctor immediately.


An overdose of the Fildena pill can also make you suffer from serious side effects.


However, some of the common side effects of Fildena tablets include:


  • Headache
  • Flushing
  • Ringing or sounds of buzzing in your years
  • Priapism
  • Visual disturbances
  • Bloody and cloudy urine
  • Painful urination
  • Diarrhea
  • Nosebleed
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Sleeplessness
  • Indigestion

You must immediately get emergency medical help if any side effects continue or become worse.

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