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Manufacturer : Generic | Active substance : Medroxy Progesterone | Prescription : Not Required

Provera is similar to the progesterone hormone that is naturally produced by your body. Provera 2.5mg medicine helps in regulating periods, stopping irregular bleeding, and aids with withdrawal bleeding when you suffer from amenorrhea.

Provera 2.5mg

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Provera 5mg

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Provera 10mg

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Method of Usage




What is Provera?


Provera is similar to the progesterone hormone that is naturally produced by your body.


Provera 2.5mg medicine helps in regulating periods, stopping irregular bleeding, and aids with withdrawal bleeding when you suffer from amenorrhea.


It contains an active ingredient called medroxyprogesterone which is a type of female hormone.


Provera replaces the hormone progesterone when your body is not capable of making it.


For women who are not pregnant and not going through menopause, this drug treats abnormal bleeding from the uterus.


As a result, abnormal bleeding from the uterus is stopped that you might be experiencing for a long time.


Medroxyprogesterone is also used as a part of combination hormone replacement therapy with estrogens, decreasing menopause symptoms.


In order to decrease the risk of cancer in the uterus, this medicine is added to the therapy of estrogen replacement.


Keep one thing in your mind, this medicine should never be used to test for pregnancy.


This medicine is only available after prescription. you can order Provera at a reasonable price from an online pharmacy.

It is important to closely follow your doctor’s direction to treat your condition quickly.


Therefore, if you are still thinking about where to buy Provera 5mg then contact our online pharmacy..


So, before you place an order for Provera online, discuss with the doctor its benefits and risks.


How does Provera work?


Provera tablet is a progestin that is also known as a female hormone.


Provera 5mg medicine starts to work by replacing the natural progesterone hormone that a female body is not able to make.


Intake of the pill helps in effectively treating absent, painful as well as irregular menstrual periods.


The drug also prevents an overgrowth of the lining of the uterus in women with menopausal who take estrogen.


How to use Provera?


Before starting the dosage of Provera, you must read the patient information leaflet provided with it.


If there is any confusion or doubt about the dosage of this medicine then discuss it with your doctor once.


Swallow the tablet as a whole with a glass of water without crushing, chewing, or breaking it.


Follow your dosing schedule carefully and take the medicine as directed by the doctor.


You must know the dosage of this medicine is based on the medical condition as well as the body’s response to the medication.


To use in combination hormone replacement therapy with estrogens, you must take the pill only once a day.


Take Provera for the complete prescribed days to treat your condition effectively.


To treat stopped menstrual periods and abnormal bleeding from the uterus, take only one tablet a day.


You need to take the drug for almost 5-10 days during the second half of the planned menstrual cycle or as prescribed.


Within 3-7 days when the medication is stopped, withdrawal bleeding can occur.


You might take the pill with or without food but it is necessary to take it at a fixed time always.


Depending upon your condition the doctor recommends dosage as it is available in different strengths like Provera 2.5mg, 5mg & 10mg.


In case, you have missed a dose then talk to your doctor because two doses should not be taken together.


Taking the medicine more frequently than directed by your doctor will not improve your condition instead cause side effects.


You might also suffer from an overdose that requires immediate medical attention.


Provera precautions and warnings


Before taking the Provera tablet, inform the doctor if you are allergic to it or have any other allergies.


This medicine might contain some inactive ingredients that can lead to allergic reactions or other serious issues.


If you suffer from certain medical conditions then strictly avoid the usage of this medication.


Provera tablet is not recommended for women suffering from or having a medical history of:


  • History of bleeding in the brain
  • Liver disease
  • History of blood clots
  • Cancer of the breast or other female organs
  • Vaginal bleeding with unknown cause
  • Heart attack or stroke in the past 12 months
  • Loss of pregnancy with some tissue remaining in your uterus

Before starting your treatment with this medication, you must inform the doctor about your medical history including:


Kidney disease

  • High blood pressure
  • Heart disease
  • Seizures


  • Diabetes


  • High blood levels of cholesterol

Intake of medroxyprogesterone can make you feel dizzy or drowsy so, avoid the consumption of alcohol.


Do not indulge in any activity that demands your attention like driving or using heavy machines until you can perform it safely.


If you need to undergo surgery or complete bed rest then inform the doctor about taking Provera beforehand.


Quit smoking because when you combine smoking with this pill, it increases your risk of suffering from heart attacks.


This medicine might also cause dark areas on your skin and face. So, avoid going outside in the daytime.

Consult the doctor before breastfeeding because the medicine passes into breast milk.


Inform the doctor well in advance about all other medicines you take to avoid the risk of drug interactions.


Provera side effects


Just like other medicines available in the market, Provera also comes with a few side effects.


Stop using the medicine, if you experience:


  • Signs of heart attack & stroke
  • Symptoms of the blood clot
  • Confusion & memory problem
  • Liver problem
  • Unusual vaginal bleeding
  • Symptoms of depression


Some of the common side effects of Provera tablet include:


  • Changes in menstrual periods
  • Spotting or breakthrough bleeding
  • Breast tenderness
  • Weight gain
  • Itching
  • Vision changes
  • Difficulty in sleeping

Reducing Provera Side Effects

  • Stay hydrated to minimise potential side effects of Provera.
  • Take Provera with food to alleviate digestive discomfort.
  • Regular exercise may help manage weight-related side effects.
  • Communicate with your healthcare provider to adjust the Provera dosage if needed.
  • Monitor and report any unusual symptoms to mitigate potential side effects.

In case, any of these side effects continue or become worse then stop the Provera tablet and consult the doctor immediately.


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Provera The Game Changer

I recently turned to Sanford Pharmacy for a solution to manage my irregular menstrual cycles, and I'm thrilled with the results of Provera.

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