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Manufacturer : Generic | Active substance : Metformin | Prescription : Not Required

Glucophage is an oral medication that helps to control blood sugar levels in diabetic people.Buy Glucophage 500mg is used together with diet and exercise to improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus.

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Method of Usage



What is Glucophage?


Glucophage is an oral medication that helps to control blood sugar levels in diabetic people.


Buy Glucophage 500mg is used together with diet and exercise to improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus.


Controlling high blood sugar often aids in preventing blindness, kidney damage, loss of limbs, and nerve disorders.


Controlling your diabetes also decreases the risk of experiencing a heart attack or stroke.


Order Glucophage 850mg in online, it contains an active ingredient called Metformin which belongs to a class of drugs known as non-sulfonylureas.


The doctor might also recommend this medicine together with insulin or other drugs.


Keep one thing in your mind, Glucophage tablets should not be used for treating type 1 diabetes.

Therefore, if you are still thinking about where to buy glucophage for human consumption then contact our online pharmacy.


Nowadays, you can easily find glucophage for sale at licensed online pharmacies and save money.


After the prescription from the doctor, you can buy this medicine from a licensed online pharmacy.


How does Glucophage work?


Metformin, an active ingredient of this medicine works by restoring your body’s response to the insulin that is produced insulin.


Order Glucophage 1000mg medicine also it decreases the amount of sugar that your liver makes and your stomach absorbs. 


How to use Glucophage?


Before starting the treatment, read the patient information leaflet carefully which is provided with Glucophage.


If you have any questions or doubts about the drug then ask your doctor

or pharmacist.


Take this drug by mouth as recommended by the doctor, mainly 1-3 times a day along with meals.


Drink plenty of fluids while using this drug unless the doctor recommends you otherwise.


Swallow the tablet as a whole with a glass of water without crushing, chewing, or breaking it.


You might feel hungry, dizzy, or confused if you suffer from low blood sugar or



Depending upon your blood sugar, the doctor might adjust your dose so that the best results can be attained.


Based on your medical condition, response to treatment, and other diabetes medicines you take, the dosage of Metformin is prescribed.


To reduce your risk of side effects, the doctor might start this medicine at a low dose and then increase it gradually.


Your blood sugar levels might get affected by stress, surgery, alcohol use, illness, or skipping meals.


In case, you take any other diabetes medicine like chlorpropamide, follow the direction of a doctor before stopping or starting metformin. 


Check your blood sugar regularly or as recommended by the doctor.


Keep the track of your blood sugar results and then share them with the doctor.


Inform the doctor, if your blood sugar measurements are too high or too low.


Depending upon your blood sugar, your dosage of this medicine might be changed.


Make sure you use this drug at the same time every day so that you remember

using it.


Follow the medical treatment plan, exercise program, as well as meal plan as

the doctor has prescribed.


This drug will take time of almost 2 to 3 months to offer you its full



In case, you miss a dose then take it the moment you remember.


But if it’s already the time for your next scheduled dose then skip the missed



Do not try taking two doses at the same time because this will cause severe

side effects.


If you overdose then stop taking Glucophage and meet the doctor immediately.

Store this medicine at room temperature right away from sunlight, moisture, and heat.


Without consulting the doctor, do not recommend this medicine to another person.

How Long Does Metformin Stay in Your System

One half-life of metformin is approximately six hours.

Complete removal varies, however it usually remains in the system for a full day.

Duration is impacted by variables such as renal function.

Maintaining blood sugar control over time is ensured by consistent dosing.

Glucophage precautions and warnings


Do not take Glucophage, if you are allergic to it or have any other allergies like rashes and flushing.


This medicine might contain some inactive ingredients that can lead to problems of allergic reactions.


Before starting your treatment with Metformin, inform the doctor about your medical history, especially of:


  •  Blood problems like vitamin B12 deficiency and anemia
  • Serious breathing problems
  • Liver disease
  • Kidney disorder


In case, you also take any other products like herbal supplements, prescription, and non-prescription medicines then inform the doctor beforehand.


This will help the doctor to recommend Glucophage accordingly and adjust the dosage of other medicines as well.


Before undergoing any surgery including dental surgery, inform the doctor about using this diabetes oral medicine.


Consumption of Metformin might increase your risk of serious heart problems but not treating diabetes can damage the heart.


Due to extremely low or high blood sugar, you might experience the problem of dizziness, blurred vision, or drowsiness.


Limit the consumption of alcohol when using this drug as it can increase your risk of experiencing lactic acidosis.


If you have prolonged diarrhea or vomiting then stop taking this oral medicine and contact the doctor.


During pregnancy, this drug should be used only and when required clearly.


Discuss all the risks and benefits with your doctor about Glucophage well in advance.


Glucophage side effects


Remember the doctor has recommended this medicine because he thinks its benefits are greater than the side effects.


Several people using Glucophage tablets do not suffer from any serious side effects.


While starting the treatment, you can experience weakness, nausea, stomach upset, and vomiting.


However, some of the mild side effects disappear as your body adjusts to this medication.


Following the recommendation of the doctor for the prescribed dosage can save you from experiencing side effects.


Some of the serious side effects of Glucophage tablets include:

  •  Low blood sugar
  • Trouble breathing
  • Serious dizziness
  • Allergic reactions like rash


Get emergency medical help, if any of these side effects persist or turn out to be worse.




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