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Product Details



Manufacturer : Generic | Active substance : Lomefloxacin | Prescription : Not Required

Maxaquin is a fluoroquinolone antibiotic that treats different bacterial infections like bronchitis and urinary tract infections.Remember this drug is going to treat only bacterial infections and not viralinfections like cold & flu.

Maxaquin 400mg

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Method of Usage



What is Maxaquin?


Maxaquin is a fluoroquinolone antibiotic that treats different bacterial infections like bronchitis and urinary tract infections.


Remember this drug is going to treat only bacterial infections and not viral

infections like cold & flu.


Using any antibiotic when not required will make it not work for treating future



When using  Maxaquin 400mg, it is important to follow the doctor’s direction



You can easily order this antibiotic from an online pharmacy after the

prescription of the doctor.


Doctors often recommend this medication for treating a number of bacterial infections in your body.


To attain the maximum benefits of the drug, you must take the medicine as prescribed.


Nowadays, you can easily find maxaquin for sale at licensed online pharmacies and save money.


Therefore, if you are still thinking about where to buy maxaquin then contact our online pharmacy.



How does Maxaquin work?


Flagyl works by slowing down the growth of bacteria and sometimes killing the harmful bacteria in the body.


It averts the production of proteins required by the harmful microorganism

for survival.


This medicine is bactericidal and works by killing the bacteria that often lead to the problem of bacterial infection.


Order Maxaquin 400mg it is  prevents the division of bacterial cells and hinders the repairing

of bacterial cells.


This further helps in killing all the dangerous bacteria, treating the infection.


How to use Maxaquin?


Read the patient information leaflet carefully provided with the medicine before starting the treatment.


If there is any doubt or confusion about the medication then discuss it with your doctor.


Depending upon your age and type of the infection, the doctor will recommend dosage.


This pill is best taken after eating some food or as directed by the



Swallow the tablet as a whole without crushing, chewing, or breaking it with a

a glass of plain water.


To get the most benefit, it is important to take the pill at the same time every



You must always take this medication at evenly spaced times for the best effect.


Even if the symptoms disappear after a few days, continue taking this medicine

for the full prescribed time.


Stopping the pill too early can make the infection return back or might make your condition worse.


When using this medicine or even after a few days of stopping the Maxaquin, you must avoid the consumption of alcohol.


Intake of alcohol might make you suffer from some unpleasant side effects like

stomach pain, nausea, and vomiting.


Do not increase or decrease the dosage of this medicine without consulting the doctor.


Increasing the dose will not treat your condition quickly instead make you suffer from serious side effects.


In case, you miss a dose then take it as soon as you remember.


However, if it’s time for the next dose then skip the missed dose because two doses should not be taken together.


If there is an overdose then stop the medicine and immediately call your doctor.


Make sure you store the medicine at room temperature away from moisture

and heat.


Call your doctor immediately, if you find your infection does not improve or become worse.


Maxaquin precautions and warnings


Before starting the treatment, you must consider some precautions and warnings.


If you are allergic to Maxaquin or other ingredients present in the medication then inform the doctor beforehand.


This antibiotic might contain some inactive ingredients that might lead to an allergic reaction.


Tell the doctor beforehand, if you suffer from any kind of allergies like rashes and flushing.


Inform the doctor well in advance about your medical history especially about:


  • Liver disease
  • Kidney disease
  • A heart rhythm disorder
  • A blood cell disorder like anemia
  • A stomach or intestinal disease


You must also tell the doctor beforehand about other medicines you take like herbal supplements, prescription & non-prescription drugs.


This will help the doctor to recommend you Maxaquin accordingly and adjust the dosage of other medications.


This antibiotic can rarely cause serious changes in blood sugar in people

suffering from diabetes.


Make sure you check the blood sugar regularly as directed and share the

results with the doctor.


The drug can make you feel dizzy, so avoid the consumption of alcohol or



Avoid driving, using machinery, or something that demands alertness until you

can do it safely.


This medicine can also make your live bacterial vaccines not work properly.


So, before going for any immunizations/vaccinations, you must tell the health

care professional about using Maxaquin.


Do not recommend this antibiotic to another person even if he/she has the same symptoms as yours.


If you are pregnant or planning to get pregnant then inform the doctor so that Maxaquin tablet is recommended accordingly.


This medicine might pass into the breast milk, so before breast-feeding consult the doctor once.


It is always better to discuss the risks and benefits of the pill with your doctor.


Maxaquin side effects


Just like other antibiotics, Maxaquin also comes with a few side effects that can be managed easily.


Several people using this pill do not suffer from any kind of serious side effects.


Remember the doctor has advised this antibiotic because he thinks its benefits are greater than the side effects.


Following your doctor’s advice carefully can decrease the chance of suffering from severe side effects.


Some of the common side effects of Maxaquin tablet include:


  • Nausea
  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Little or no urination
  • Muscle weakness
  • Breathing problems



A seizure


This is not the complete list of side effects so you might also experience some other side effects.


You need to call the doctor if any of these side effects persist or become worse.

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