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Manufacturer : Generic | Active substance : ivermectin | Alternative Search : Ivermectin | Prescription : Not Required

Ivermectin is an anti-parasite medication. Ivermectin is used to treat infections in the body that are caused by certain parasites.

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Ivermectin 12mg = Brand Signature Pharma 1st Quality

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Method of Usage



What is Ivermectin?


Ivermectin is an effective medication that treats some parasitic roundworm infections.


You must know that curing parasitic infections helps in improving the quality of your life.


In people with weak immune systems, treating roundworm infections can decrease the risk of suffering from serious infections.


It is important to know that ivermectin belongs to a class of medicines called antihelmintic that kill parasites.


This medicine is also recommended for treating strongyloidiasis and controlling onchocerciasis.


This medicine treats strongyloidiasis by killing the worms present in your intestines.


By killing the developing worms, the Ivermectin tablet treats onchocerciasis.


Remember the medication is not responsible for killing the adult worms that cause onchocerciasis.


Keep one thing in mind, ivermectin is not recommended for treating coronavirus disease.


It is always better to talk to the doctor about all the risks and benefits linked with Ivermectin.


After the prescription from the doctor, you can easily buy Ivermectin from the online pharmacy at a reasonable cost.

Buy cheap generic invermactin in online pharmacy .


Nowadays, you can also order invermactin without prescription right from an online pharmacy at a reasonable cost.



How does Ivermectin work?


Ivermectin 6mg belongs to a class of medicines known as antihelmintic that treat parasitic infections quickly.


This oral tablet works by binding to parts present inside the parasite.


As a result, it paralyzes and kills the parasite or stops adult parasites from making larvae, treating infection.


How to use Ivermectin?


Before starting the treatment with this medicine, you need to read the patient information leaflet carefully.


If there is any confusion about Ivermectin 12mg or its dosage then discuss it with your doctor once.


It is vital to follow the direction of your doctor regarding the prescribed dosage.


The dosage of this medication is going to depend upon a number of factors including:


Your age

  • The condition that needs to be treated
  • How serious the condition is
  • How to react to the first dose
  • Other medical conditions you suffer from


Ivermectin comes in a form of a tablet that needs to be taken by mouth.


On an empty stomach with water, a single dose of this drug is taken.


Swallow the tablet as a whole without crushing, chewing, or breaking it.


When taking Ivermectin to treat onchocerciasis, additional doses of 3, 6, and 12 months might be required to control the infection.


Always take Ivermectin exactly in the same way as recommended by the doctor.


Do not take more or less of the medicine that is directed by the doctor.


Taking the pill more often than prescribed by the doctor will not improve your condition, instead, cause side effects.


When taking the medicine for treating strongyloidiasis, you must have at least three times stool exam.


This exam is continued for the first 3 months after the treatment to check whether the infection is cleared or not.


If the infection is not cleared then the doctor will possibly prescribe you additional doses of ivermectin.


Keep one thing in mind, Ivermectin is taken as a single dose or series of doses or as directed by the doctor.


In case, your infection does not improve or gets worse with time then contact the doctor.


Without consulting the doctor, you must never recommend Ivermectin to another person.


Ivermectin precautions and warnings


It is important to follow the precautions and warnings recommended by your doctor.


If you are allergic to ivermectin or similar antiviral medicines then do not take this pill.


This medicine might contain some inactive ingredients, causing you problems or allergic reactions.


In order to ensure this medication is safe for you, inform the doctor beforehand if you have:


Kidney or liver disease

Cancer, HIV or AIDS, or other health conditions that can weaken your immune system


Tell the doctor what other herbal supplements, prescription, and non-prescription medicines you take.


Be sure to inform about other medications you take like anxiety, mental illness, sleeping pills, sedatives, and muscle relaxants.


This will help the doctor to change the doses of your medicines and monitor closely for the side effects.


Also, tell the doctor, if you have ever suffered from meningitis and human African trypanosomiasis.


Intake of Ivermectin tablet can also make you feel dizzy. Avoid alcohol as it will make you feel more dizzy.


Do not drive, use any machinery items or do anything that demands alertness unless you can do it safely.


Talk to your doctor well in advance, if you are also using marijuana.


Before undergoing any surgery, make sure to inform the doctor about using the Ivermectin tablet.


In case, you have a weak immune system then it is vital to repeat the treatment with this medication.

A number of people often suffer from weak immune systems due to HIV infection.


During pregnancy, this drug should be used only when required. Discuss all the benefits and risks with the doctor.


Ivermectin also passes into breast milk. It is always better to discuss with the doctor once before breastfeeding.


Unnecessary use of the pill can turn your infection worse and cause serious problems.


Ivermectin side effects


Some of the side effects often disappear as the body adjusts to this medicine.


A number of people using Ivermectin do not suffer from any serious side effects.


Some of the common side effects of Ivermectin tablet include:


  • Dizziness
  • Headache
  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea
  • Muscle pain
  • Rashes
  • Itching
  • Trouble in breathing


Get emergency medical help, if any of these side effects persist or become worse.

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