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Manufacturer : Cipla Limited | Active substance : Amoxicilin | Prescription : Not Required

Amoxil is a prescription medication that effectively treats a variety of bacterial infections.It is a penicillin antibiotic that kills bacteria or slows down their growth in your body.

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Amoxil 500mg

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Method of Usage



What is Amoxil?

Amoxil is a prescription medication that effectively treats a variety of bacterial infections.

It is a penicillin antibiotic that kills bacteria or slows down their growth in your body.

Buy Amoxil 250mg medicine contains an active ingredient called amoxicillin that treats infections of your skin, nose, ears, throat, and urinary tract.

Amoxil is also recommended by doctors to treat bronchitis, pneumonia, or tonsillitis.

Sometimes, amoxicillin is also recommended along with other medicines to treat H. pylori, bacteria that cause ulcers.

Remember this antibiotic only treats bacterial infections and not viral infections like flu & the common cold.

Using any antibiotic when not required can cause it to not work when you take it for treating future bacterial infections.

The medication is also helpful in treating Lyme disease, anthrax infection of the skin, and preventing anthrax infection after exposure.

Before using this antibiotic for your condition, you must talk to your doctor about all the benefits and possible risks.

It is an FDA-approved antibiotic that you canbuy amoxil online from Sanford pharmacy easily and also save money.

So, before you place an order for amoxil online, discuss with the doctor its benefits and risks.

Therefore, if you are still thinking about where to buy amoxil then contact our online pharmacy.

Make sure you follow your doctor’s direction strictly when taking this antibiotic to achieve full benefits.


How does Amoxil work?


Amoxil over the counter belongs to a class of drugs known as penicillin-like antibiotics.

This antibiotic works by killing the bacteria and preventing them from forming the bacterial protective covering.

It is important to know that bacterial protective covering is required by bacteria to survive.

How to use Amoxil?

Read the patient information leaflet once before starting the dosage of this antibiotic.

Take the medicine with or without the food mainly every 8 or 12 hours as prescribed by the doctor.

The dosage of this pill is completely based on response to the treatment and your medical condition.

Amoxil 500 mg
is used for treating infections caused by certain bacteria.

amoxil dosage

A single dose of 250 mg or 500 mg will give you relief and eliminate the bacteria.

When using this antibiotic, make sure to drink plenty of fluids.

Swallow the tablet as a whole without crushing, breaking, or chewing it.

For the best effect, you must take this medicine at evenly spaced times always.

Amoxicillin 500 mg is a widely prescribed antibiotic used to treat bacterial infections.

With its broad spectrum and effectiveness, it combats various ailments, from respiratory to urinary tract infections.

Trust in the potency of Amoxicillin 500 mg for prompt relief and recovery.

Take the pill at the same time every day in order to remember taking it.

Usually, it is taken every 12 hours twice a day or every 8 hours three times a day with or without food.

The length of the treatment is going to depend upon the type of infection that you are suffering from.

Even if the symptoms disappear after a few days, continue taking the medicine for the full prescribed time.

Stopping the medication too early can allow the bacteria to grow and also return the infection at the same time.

During the first few days of treatment with Amoxil, you will start feeling better.

In case, there is no improvement in your symptoms or your condition gets worse then contact the doctor.

Without the recommendation of your doctor, do not change the dosage as it might cause serious side effects.

In case, you take Amoxil online with clarithromycin for treating stomach ulcers then use all the medicines as prescribed by the doctor.

Do not increase the dosage or take the pill more often than recommended because it can worsen your condition.

Even if the person has the same symptoms as you have, do not share the medication with another person.

Amoxicillin might affect the results of some medical tests. Tell the doctor beforehand about using this antibiotic.

You must always store the medicine at room temperature right away from light, heat, and moisture.

Skip the missed dose and continue with your next dose at the regular time. Two doses at one time are not recommended.


Amoxil precautions and warnings

Before starting the medication, it is important to consider some precautions and warnings.

Tell your doctor beforehand if you are allergic to Amoxil or to penicillin or antibiotics.

In case, you suffer from other allergies then inform your doctor before starting the treatment.

This medicine might contain some inactive ingredients that can cause allergic reactions.

Before starting your treatment with Amoxil, inform the doctor about your medical history mainly of kidney disease & viral infection.

Keep one thing in your mind, this medicine might make it difficult for live bacterial vaccines like typhoid vaccine to not work well.

You must inform the doctor before having any vaccinations that you take amoxicillin.

Tell your doctor about all the prescription, non-prescription medicines, and herbal supplements you take.

At the time of pregnancy, you must use this antibiotic only when required. Discuss all the risks & benefits with the doctor.

Consult your doctor about breastfeeding as this medicine passes into the breast milk.

This antibiotic might make birth control pills less effective so, ask your doctor about non-hormonal birth control to prevent pregnancy.

In case, you use any other antibiotics, allopurinol, or a blood thinner medication then inform the doctor.

Amoxil side effects

Just like other antibiotics, Amoxil also comes with a few side effects that can be managed easily.

Some of the minor side effects of this antibiotic disappear as your body adjusts to the medication.

Many people using Amoxil tablets do not come across any serious side effects.

Using this medication for a long time or repeated periods can lead to new vaginal yeast infection or oral thrush.

Some of the common side effects of Amoxil include:


  • Rashes
  • Nausea
  • Stomach pain
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea

You might also suffer from some other side effects as this is not the complete list.

Where can I buy Amoxil online?

Go to the official Sanford Pharmacy website. If you don't have the exact URL, a quick search for "" in your preferred search engine should help you find it. Amoxil Cost is very affordable with Sanford pharmacy.


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