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Zecyte 500mg - Abiraterone

Zecyte 500mg - Abiraterone

Manufacturer : Cipla Limited | Active substance : Abiraterone | Prescription : Not Required

Zecyte 250mg Tablet is utilized in the therapy of cancer of the prostate organ. The physician may also prescribe it to treat other conditions.

Zecyte 500mg - Abiraterone 500mg

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Method of Usage

What is Zecyte (Abiraterone)?

Zecyte 250mg Tablet is utilized in the therapy of cancer of the prostate organ. The physician may also prescribe it to treat other conditions.

The abiraterone is at times used with specific different meds as a feature of mixed chemotherapy.

Prostate cancer is treated with zecyte 250mg tablet, an anti-androgen medication.

Prostate cancer is a condition that happens when the prostate organ cells increment unusually. Side effects might include trouble peeing, torment, deadness, and so on.

You can check the abiraterone 250 mg price online from Sanford Pharmacy and get the physician help as per the recommendation.

Zecyte 250mg tablet contains Abiraterone acetic acid derivation, which belongs to the class of androgen biosynthesis inhibitors.

Testosterone is a characteristic chemical created by the body. As a result, the prostate glands cancer cells grow.

Zecyte 250mg tablet works by repressing the creation of the testosterone chemical, stopping the development and spread of cancer.

How does Zecyte (Abiraterone) work?

Taking Zecyte 250mg Tablet on an empty stomach is not recommended. Consuming it with food may result in adverse effects.

Your PCP will conclude what portion is essential and how frequently you want to take it. This will rely upon what you are being treated for and may change now and again.

It would help if you took it as directed by your doctor. It can cause serious side effects if taken incorrectly or in excess.

It would help if you did not stop taking it unless your doctor tells you to because the benefits may take several weeks or months to manifest.

Tell your doctor if you have high blood pressure, a heart condition, liver or kidney problems, or are taking any antibiotics before taking it.

Please inform your doctor of your other medications as they may interact with or affect this medication. This zecyte medication isn't suggested during pregnancy or while breastfeeding. It could harm your infant.

The utilization of viable contraception by the two guys and females during treatment is essential to keep away from pregnancy. You might be requested to observe your blood glucose level while on treatment.

The prostate gland in prostate cancer is the size of a small walnut. It makes seminal fluid, which feeds and moves sperm in men.

Having trouble urinating is the most common symptom of prostate cancer, but there are cases in which there are no symptoms at all. This likewise assuages trouble in passing pee and makes it simpler for you to pee.

Did you ever know how does abiraterone work? Get help from the doctor guidance and order from the Online Sanford Pharmacy.

Zecyte 250mg Tablet is an anticancer prescription. It works by forestalling androgen (a male chemical) production in men.

This is done by hindering a protein that is liable for developing androgen. This is how it dials back the development of prostate disease.

How to use Zecyte (Abiraterone)?

Take this medication in the portion and length your primary care physician encourages. Consume it in its entirety.

Try not to bite, smash or break it. Zecyte 250 mg Tablet should be taken without food.

When taking abiraterone 250 mg, always follow your doctor's or pharmacist's instructions. The medication should be taken orally.

It ought not to be taken with food. The tablets should be swallowed whole with water without being broken.

Food should be eaten somewhere around 2 hours before taking the drug and should not be eaten for any less than 1 hour after taking the medication.

Ladies who are pregnant or who might become pregnant shouldn't contact this prescription without gloves.

The active ingredient in Zecyte 250mg Tablet is abiraterone acetate. It is utilized in grown-up men to treat prostate disease, which has spread to different pieces of the body. It is generally given with a steroid prescription to bring down the possibility of aftereffects.

When Zecyte 250mg Tablet is prescribed for this disorder in its early stages, it is used in conjunction with testosterone-lowering medication.

Children and pregnant women should not take this medication. During the treatment, you must use effective contraception.

This medication contains lactose and sodium; illuminate your doctor on the off chance that you have lactose bigotry or are on a controlled diet.

Inform the doctor if the patient has liver issues, high blood pressure, heart problems, low potassium levels, diabetes, allergies, or other illnesses.

Make a point to educate your doctor regarding every one of the prescriptions, including enhancements and natural drugs, you are taking before you start the treatment with this medicine.

Diarrhea, high blood pressure, and fluid retention in the feet or legs are the most common adverse effects of this medication.

A decline in red platelets and diminished sex drive may likewise happen with the admission of abiraterone prostate cancer Tablet.

This medication ought not to be taken with Ra-223, which is utilized to treat prostate cancer.

  • Missed dose

Of course, take the dose as it may affect the treatment routine. Remember to take the correct dose at the right time, as suggested by the doctor.

But take only one dose to compensate for the missed dose. As soon as you remember the missed dose, could you take it? 

  • Overdose

Sometimes, overdose may cause severe side effects. So, you only have to consume the abiraterone dosage given by the doctor.

Never take two doses simultaneously because you can also experience common or rare symptoms. 

Precautions and warnings

You should not take it if you are allergic to the zecyte 250mg tablet or its components.

Illuminate your PCP on the off chance that you have/had any circumstances like liver/kidney sickness, cardiovascular infection, adrenocortical inadequacy, hypokalemia, hypoglycaemia, liquid maintenance or taking some other medications before accepting ZECYTE 250MG TABLET, as it might cause serious secondary effects.

Zecyte 250mg tablet isn't suggested for use in women and children as the security and adequacy of this medication are not established.

Prednisolone and this medication are used to treat prostate cancer together.

So, check the abiraterone price and order it from the reputed Sanford Pharmacy.

Prostate cancer that has spread to other parts of the body is treated with Zecyte 250mg Tablet.

Prednisolone, another medication, is typically taken with it to reduce unwanted side effects.

It should be taken while starving. Eat no nourishment for at least 2 hours before or 1 hour after your portion.

Continuously utilize decisive contraception measures to forestall pregnancy while taking this medication.

Your PCP may routinely screen your liver function, pulse, and blood potassium levels while you are being treated with this medication.

Side effects of Zecyte (Abiraterone)

Of course, there are some abiraterone side effects found when you take it for longer time, or by overdose.

So, you have to notice the side effects in detail and get the right dose level as suggested by the doctor.

  • Edema (swelling)
  • Decreased potassium level in blood
  • Fatigue
  • Anaemia (low number of red blood cells)
  • Urinary tract infection
  • Diarrhea
  • High blood pressure
  • Joint swelling
  • Increased levels of blood fat

At Sanford Pharmacy, we understand the importance of comprehensive patient care and support. Our team is dedicated to providing personalized assistance, including medication counseling, financial assistance programs, and access to support groups for patients and their families navigating prostate cancer treatment.


You have to store the Zecyte in a cool and dry place. 

Always keep it away from the kids and pets.

You have to store the Tablet in a cool place and keep it out of reach of direct sunlight.


Interactions between drugs: zecyte 250mg tablet might collaborate with CYP3A4 Inducers (phenytoin, phenobarbital), CYP2D6 Substrates (Flecainide, Venlafaxine), antifungal medication (ketoconazole, itraconazole), and numerous different drugs.

Food-drug interactions: No cooperation found.

Medications and diseases interact: Patients with severe liver and kidney failure, problems with the adrenal or pituitary gland, heart failure, irregular heartbeat, high blood pressure, adrenocortical insufficiency, and hypoglycemia should not take Zecyte 250mg tablet.


Zecyte, available at Sanford Pharmacy, represents a significant advancement in the treatment of advanced prostate cancer.

Frequently asked questions about Zecyte (Abiraterone) (FAQs)

  • Can Zecyte 250mg Tablet cure prostate cancer?

Although Zecyte 250mg Tablet does not treat cancer, it does assist in extending and enhancing the patient's life.

Also, when prostate cancer is treated with Zecyte 250mg Tablet, the recurrence of cracks is somewhat less.

  • Is Zecyte 250mg Tablet a chemotherapy drug?

Zecyte 250mg Tablet is a hormonal treatment, not a chemotherapy drug. It is used to treat adult men with advanced prostate cancer that has spread to other parts of their bodies.

  • Why do I need to take prednisolone with Zecyte 250mg Tablet?

Your physician will always prescribe prednisolone with Zecyte 250mg Tablet.

Taking these two medications at the same time lowers your risk of developing high blood pressure, fluid retention, having too much water in your body, or potassium deficiency, both of which can be caused by Zecyte 250mg Tablet.

  • Does Zecyte 250mg Tablet affect the liver?

Zecyte 250mg Tablet can create serious liver issues.

In exceptionally uncommon cases, Zecyte 250mg Tablet might try and disappoint the liver capability, which could, in fact, prompt demise.

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