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Manufacturer : Ajanta Pharmaceuticals | Active substance : Sildenafil Citrate | Prescription : Not Required

Kamagra is a prescription medicine for treating erectile dysfunction in men.It is also known as a blue pill and contains an active ingredient called sildenafil citrate.

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Kamagra 50 mg

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Method of Usage


 What is Kamagra?


Kamagra is a prescription medicine for treating erectile dysfunction in men.


It is also known as a blue pill and contains an active ingredient called sildenafil citrate.


This medicine treats erectile dysfunction by increasing the blood flow to the male reproductive organ.


 Buy Kamagra belongs to a class of drugs called PDE-5 inhibitors and is available only on doctor’s prescription.
Order Kamagra 50mg is It is one of the most effective medications for treating erectile dysfunction in men.


Erectile dysfunction is a condition when a man is not able to achieve and maintain an erection for sexual intercourse.


Nowadays, you can easily find Kamagra for sale from the comfort of your home through an online pharmacy without prescription.


This medicine comes in tablet as well as flavored jelly form, making it easy for you to consume.

Kamagra oral jelly is the newest product in the market of erectile dysfunction treatment.

Unlike most other therapies, Kamagra oral jelly is fast-acting and it does not need to be taken daily.

However, before you decide to buy Kamagra It is important to follow your doctor’s direction strictly in order to attain desired results.


The ED pill aids in relaxing your blood vessels and increasing blood flow to the male reproductive organ.


As a result, you start experiencing a hard and firm erection that is needed to indulge in sexual activity.


If you wish to bring back your sexual life on track then start taking this magical ED pill.


  • How does Kamagra work?


Kamagra contains an active ingredient called sildenafil citrate that inhibits an enzyme responsible for blood flow to the male sexual organ.


When the action of these enzymes is suppressed, the flow of blood to the genital area is restored quickly.


As a result, you start experiencing firm erections for a long time without any hassle.


Sildenafil citrate is considered a proven method for treating erectile dysfunction in men.


By increasing the blood flow to the male reproductive organ, it helps you to indulge in a longer sexual activity.


  • How to use Kamagra?


It is important for you to follow the doctor’s recommendation strictly to start with the right dosage.


Before starting the consumption of this ED pill, make sure you read the patient information leaflet once.


In this way, you will have a better understanding of the medicine and how it should be taken.


Depending upon your age and condition, the doctor will prescribe you the right dosage.


Kamagra tablet 50mg,100mg can be taken on an empty stomach or with a meal as advised by the doctor.


Take the medicine almost an hour before indulging in sexual activity with your partner.


Keep one thing in your mind, this drug will help you to get an erection only when you are sexually aroused.


This medicine is taken only once a day because taking it more often can worsen your condition.


In case, you do not have erectile dysfunction then avoid taking this pill because it will cause side effects.


When taking Kamagra, you must not take any other pills for treating your ED problem.


Taking the medicine more often than directed will lead to an overdose and cause serious problems that require medical attention.


  • How long does Kamagra take to work?


The amount of time taken by the medication to work might differ from person to person.


However, usually, the pill takes 30 minutes to 01 hours in order to show its effective results.


  • How long does Kamagra last?


This magical ED pill remains in your body for 24 hours, giving you enough time to indulge in a lovemaking session.


  • Kamagra precautions


Before starting Kamagra, you must inform the doctor about other prescription, non-prescription drugs, and herbal supplements you take.


In case, you are allergic to sildenafil citrate or other ingredients present in the medicine then tell the doctor.


Seek medical attention, if you notice the symptoms like itching, skin rash, swelling of the tongue & face, and difficulty in breathing.


Make sure you inform the doctor about your medical history especially heart, liver, and kidney disease.


If you take medicines that contain nitrates like isosorbide, nitroglycerin, etc. then avoid the consumption of Kamagra.


Intake of ED pill with nitrate medicines can lead to low blood pressure as well as a cardiovascular collapse.


Riociguat is a medication that treats pulmonary hypertension or high blood pressure in the lungs.


Kamagra is not recommended for use if you are on treatment with Riociguat because it can lower your blood pressure.


In case, you have suffered from a heart attack in the past then you must not take this ED pill.


Sexual activity is strictly not recommended for people who have heart failure risk.


Keep one thing in your mind, this ED pill is not recommended for women or males below the age of 18 years.


Stop the consumption of alcohol or grapefruit juice when you take Kamagra.


Intake of alcohol and grapefruit juice with this medicine will make you suffer from side effects like dizziness.


  • Kamagra side effects


The side effects of Kamagra are often similar to other pills used for treating erectile dysfunction in men.


However, some side effects disappear after some time when your body adjusts to the medicine.


Some of the common side effects of Kamagra tablet include:


  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Nasal congestion
  • Face flushing
  • Back pain
  • Muscle pain
  • Mild chest pain


If you find the side effects persist or become worse then without any delay, contact your doctor.
Therefore, when Kamagra 50mg, 100mg, is taken under the supervision of the doctor it effectively treats ED and ensures good sexual life.

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Kamagra has proven to be highly effective in treating my erectile dysfunction. After taking it as directed, I experienced improved blood flow and a noticeable improvement in my ability to ach

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