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Manufacturer : Generic | Active substance : Rabeprazole | Prescription : Not Required

Aciphex is an effective medicine that treats certain esophagus and stomach problems like ulcers and acid reflux.Buy Aciphex 10mg medication it contains an active ingredient called Rabeprazole and belongs to a class of drugs proton pump inhibitors (PPIs).

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Method of Usage



What is Aciphex?


Aciphex is an effective medicine that treats certain esophagus and stomach problems like ulcers & acid reflux.


Buy Aciphex 10mg medication it contains an active ingredient called Rabeprazole and belongs to a class of drugs proton pump inhibitors (PPIs).


It relieves symptoms like heartburn, persistent cough as well as difficulty swallowing.


Rabeprazole aids in healing acid damage to your stomach and esophagus. While it also prevents ulcers and cancer of the esophagus. 


Order Aciphex  20mg also treats short-term symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease in adults and children who are above 1 year.


Doctors also recommend this medicine along with antibiotic to prevent duodenal ulcer which is caused by H.Pylori.


After the prescription from the doctor, you can order Aciphex online from a licensed online pharmacy at a reasonable cost.

Nowadays, you can easily find Aciphex for sale at licensed online pharmacies and save money.


So, before you place an order for Aciphex online, discuss with the doctor its benefits and risks.


When using this medicine, it is important to follow the direction of your doctor for the prescribed dosage.


How does Aciphex work?


Aciphex belongs to a class of drugs called proton pump inhibitors which decrease the amount of acid made by your stomach.


This further provides you relief from the symptoms of difficulty swallowing, heartburn, and persistent cough.


How to use Aciphex?


Before you start using Aciphex, read the patient information leaflet carefully.

If there is any doubt or question about the medication then discuss it with the doctor once.


When using the tablets, take your dose by mouth with or without the food as recommended by the doctor.


This drug is taken mainly 1 to 2 times a day or as recommended by the doctor.   


Swallow the tablet as a whole with a glass of water without crushing, chewing, or breaking the tablet.


Crushing and breaking the tablet at once can increase your risk of side effects. 


Based on your medical condition and response to treatment, the dosage and length of treatment are determined.


On other hand, when this medicine is recommended to children the dose depends on their weight. 


When using the capsule form of Aciphex, take the dosage 30 minutes before having a meal, once a day.


Do not try to swallow the capsule whole. Open the capsule & add the contents onto a small amount of soft food.  


The food or liquid that you use must be at or below room temperature.     


The prepared mixture should be consumed within 15 minutes without chewing or crushing the mixture.


If required, antacids might be recommended by the doctor along with this medicine.


In case, you are taking sucralfate, take rabeprazole almost 30 minutes before sucralfate.


In order to get the most benefit from this medicine, you must take it on a regular basis.


Take the Aciphex tablet at the same time every day so that you remember taking it.


Even if you feel better, continue taking this medicine for the full prescribed length of treatment.


If your condition persists or become worse then inform the doctor immediately.


The risk of side effects often goes up with time. Ask the doctor for how long you need to take this drug.


In case, you miss a dose then take it the moment you remember.


However, if it’s already the time for your next prescribed dose then skip the missed dose.


Continue with your regular dose at the regular time. Just to catch your missed dose, do not double the dose.


If you overdose and experience serious symptoms like trouble breathing or passing out then immediately inform the doctor.


Store this medicine at room temperature right away from sunlight, moisture, and heat.

How long is it safe to take rabeprazole


For the short term, rabeprazole is generally safe to use in the treatment of acid-related disorders. 

Prolonged use, however, needs to be supervised by a physician to identify any possible side effects and determine whether it is still necessary.

Aciphex precautions and warnings


Heartburn can mimic early symptoms of a heart attack, so be attentive.


Meet the doctor, if you experience chest pain that spread to your jaw or shoulder and feel light-headed or anxious.


You must not use this medicine if you are allergic to Rabeprazole or:


If you had breathing problems, kidney disorders, or serious allergic reactions after taking Aciphex in the past.

If you also take other medicines that contain Rilpivirine

If you are allergic to medications such as Rabeprazole like omeprazole, lansoprazole, Protonix, and others


To assure this medicine is safe for you, inform the doctor about your medical history, especially about:


  • Osteoporosis or low bone mineral density
  • Liver disease
  • Lupus ( an autoimmune disorder)
  • Low levels of magnesium in the blood


When taking a proton pump inhibitor for a long time, you can suffer from a broken bone in the hip, wrist, or spine.


It is always suggested to discuss with the doctor about keeping your bones healthy.


Before having any surgery including dental surgery, tell the doctor about taking the Aciphex tablet.


Older adults can be more sensitive to the side effects of Aciphex, mainly fractures and bone loss.


During pregnancy, this pill should be used only and when required clearly. Discuss all the benefits and risks with your doctor.


It is still not known whether the medication passes into breast milk or not.


So, pregnant and breastfeeding women must first consult the doctor and then start treatment with Aciphex.


Aciphex side effects


You might experience some mild side effects like headaches after starting the treatment with this pill.


However, mild side effects often disappear as your body adjusts to this medicine.


Tell the doctor immediately, if you have any serious side effects like:


Symptoms of low magnesium blood level like seizures, muscle spasms, etc.

  • Signs of lupus
  • Persistent diarrhea
  • Stomach pain


Following the recommendation of your doctor can help in decreasing the chances of experiencing severe side effects.

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