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Manufacturer : Generic | Active substance : Glipizide | Prescription : Not Required

Glucotrol is recommended with a proper diet and exercise program to control high blood sugar in type 2 diabetes people.Depending upon the condition of an individual, Glucotrol 5mg might be recommended with other diabetes drugs.

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Method of Usage



What is Glucotrol?


Glucotrol is recommended with a proper diet and exercise program to control high blood sugar in type 2 diabetes people.


Depending upon the condition of an individual, Glucotrol 5mg might be recommended with other diabetes drugs.


Controlling high blood sugar is important as it prevents blindness, kidney damage, loss of limbs, and nerve problem.


Proper control of diabetes also decreases the risk of a heart attack or stroke.


Order Glucotrol 10mg in online it contains an active ingredient called Glipizide and belongs to a class of drugs known as sulfonylureas.


Buy Glucotrol medicine it controls blood sugar levels by assisting your pancreas to produce insulin.


Keep one thing in your mind, Glucotrol is not intended for use in type 1 diabetes patients.


Buy cheap Glucotrol in online pharmacy and save the cost.


So, before you place an order for Glucotrol online, discuss with the doctor its benefits and risks.

You can easily buy this drug from a licensed online pharmacy after the prescription of your doctor.


How does Glucotrol work?


Glucotrol belongs to a class of drugs called sulfonylureas that lowers your blood sugar.


This further cause the release of your body’s natural insulin, controlling high blood sugar levels.


How to use Glucotrol?


Before starting your treatment with Glucotrol, read the patient information leaflet carefully.


If there is any doubt or question about the medication and its dosage then discuss it with the doctor once.


Take this drug by mouth almost 30 minutes before having breakfast or the first meals of the day as prescribed.


Glucotrol is taken only once a day and following the direction of your doctor for the prescribed dosage is important.


Swallow the tablet as a whole without crushing, chewing, or breaking it with a glass of plain water.


Some patients, mainly those taking the high doses are recommended to take this pill twice a day.


The dosage of Glipizide is usually based on your medical condition, age as well as response to treatment.


In order to decrease your risk of side effects, the doctor might start the treatment with a low dose.


Based on your body’s response to the treatment, the doctor will slowly increase the dose of the Glucotrol pill.


If you are already taking other diabetes medicines like chlorpropamide then follow the direction of the doctor for taking Glucotrol.


The doctor might stop the old diabetes medicines and then accordingly start the dosage of Glipizide.


Intake of colesevelam might reduce the absorption of glipizide tablets.


In case, you are also taking colesevelam then take Glucotrol almost 4 hours before taking colesevelam medicine.


The doctor might check your blood sugar frequently and conduct other blood tests to check your condition.


People who have diabetes can easily suffer from low blood sugar. Some of the symptoms of hypoglycemia include headache & sweating.


To treat low blood sugar quickly, you can consume a fast-acting source of sugar like hard candy, fruit juice & or raisins.


The doctor might recommend you a glucagon emergency injection kit if you suffer from serious hypoglycemia & cannot eat or drink.


Stress, exercise, alcohol consumption, skipping meals, and illness can easily affect your blood sugar levels.


Before changing your dosage or medicine schedule, make sure you ask the doctor once.


This pill should be taken regularly to attain maximum benefits from it.


Take this medicine at the same time every day so that you remember taking it without missing a dose.


After a few days of the treatment, if your condition does not improve or gets a worse call the doctor.


In case of missed dose and overdose, it is necessary to contact the doctor immediately.


Glucotrol precautions and warnings


Considering a few precautions and warnings before using this medicine can help you to attain maximum benefits.


Do not take the Glucotrol pill, if you are allergic to it or have any other allergies like rashes, hives, etc.


This medicine might contain some inactive ingredients that can cause allergic reactions.


Before starting your treatment with Glipizide, inform the doctor about your medical history, especially of:


  • Thyroid disease
  • Liver disorder
  • Certain hormonal conditions
  • Kidney disease
  • Electrolyte imbalance


During the treatment, you might experience blurred vision, dizziness, or drowsiness due to low blood sugar levels.


You must not indulge in any activities like driving or using heavy machinery unless you can do it safely.


Limit the consumption of alcohol when using this drug like alcohol can increase the risk of developing low blood sugar.


Alcohol even interacts with the glipizide pill and causes a serious reaction like dizziness, nausea, facial flushing, etc.

Pregnant and breastfeeding women must consult the doctor before taking this medicine.


Pay attention to drug interactions as they completely change the way a medicine works and cause side effects as well.


Glucotrol side effects


Remember the doctor has prescribed Glucotrol because he thinks its benefits are greater when compared to the side effects.


Few mild side effects of this medicine often disappear as your body adjusts to the drug after some days.


Upset stomach, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, and headache are some mild side effects that you might experience.


However, following the recommendation of your doctor for the prescribed dosage can save you from serious side effects.


There are several people who do not suffer from serious side effects when using this pill for treating high blood sugar levels.

Glucotrol may cause low blood sugar (hypoglycemia).

Gastrointestinal issues like nausea can be potential side effects.

Some may experience skin reactions or allergic responses.

Report severe side effects promptly to healthcare providers for proper guidance.

Individual responses to Glucotrol can vary; monitor for any unusual symptoms.

Some of the side effects of Glucotrol tablets include:


  •  Allergic reactions like rashes, hives, flushing
  • Serious dizziness
  • Trouble breathing
  • Low blood sugar

Call the doctor promptly, if any of these side effects persist or turn out to be worse.

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As someone living with diabetes, finding the right medication to manage my blood sugar levels has been a priority. I'm delighted to share my positive experience with Glucotrol from Sanford.

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