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Afatinib Dimaleate 20mg

Afatinib Dimaleate 20mg

Manufacturer : Generic | Active substance : Afatinib | Prescription : Not Required

Afatinib is an effective cancer medication to treat non-small cell lung cancer that is epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) positive.

Afatinib Dimaleate 20mg 20mg

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What is Afatinib?


Afatinib is an effective cancer medication to treat non-small cell lung cancer that is epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) positive.


EGFR positive means that your cancer is caused due to an abnormal EGFR gene or genes.


Remember EGFR protein is found on surface of cells and aids them to grow, but when gene for EGFR is defective, cells grow out of control and cause cancer.


Afatinib 40mg is approved by the US Food and Drug Administration and can be purchased after a prescription from a doctor.


To attain maximum benefits from this medicine, you must follow doctor’s direction for prescribed dosage.


Afatinib belongs to a class of drugs known as kinase inhibitors and is available under brand name Gilotrif.


You can also find this medicine in different forms and strengths such as Afatinib 20mg, 30mg, and 40mg.


Afatinib also treats patients suffering from metastatic squamous NSCLC who have received medications containing platinum but did not work well.


How does Afatinib work? 


Afatinib is an anti-cancer medicine that works by binding and obstructing enzyme receptors which are responsible for growth of cancer cells.


This leads to downregulation of signaling pathways and spread of cancer is stopped or slowed down.


How to take Afatinib?


It is suggested to read patient information leaflet provided with medicine itself before starting treatment with Afatinib.


If there is any confusion or doubt about Afatinib tablet or its dosage then discuss it with doctor once.


Recommended adult dose of Afatinib is 40mg once a day. Make sure to follow doctor’s direction strictly.


Patients suffering from serious kidney disorders might be started initially with 30mg of Afatinib dose once a day.


Afatinib is available in tablet form that must be taken by mouth on an empty stomach either two hours after a meal or one hour before a meal.


Never take Gilotrif dosage in smaller or larger amounts but exactly in same way as directed by your doctor.


Dose of Gilotrif can be either adjusted or modified based on side effects experienced by patients during treatment.


To avoid any kind of dangerous interactions with other medicines, patients with a history of serious liver disorders must inform their doctor beforehand.


Treatment with Afatinib must be discontinued permanently if any severe or life-threatening side effects happen.


It is important to take Afatinib tablets at same time every day and do not stop taking them unless a doctor recommends it.


As this medication might get absorbed through skin and lungs & harm an unborn baby, pregnant women should not handle Afatinib.


Increasing dose of this medicine will not treat your condition quickly, instead, it will increase your chance of experiencing side effects.


  • Missed dose


In case, you have missed a dose of Afatinib tablet then take it as soon as you remember.


If it's within 12 hours of your next dosage then skip missed dose and continue with regular dose at regular time.


Avoid taking 2 doses of this medicine at same time because this will make you suffer from an overdose of Afatinib.


  • Overdose


In case, you take too much Afatinib then call a doctor immediately or visit nearest hospital emergency room promptly.


Symptoms of overdose can include weakness, serious nausea, stomach pain, dizziness, and vomiting.


Precautions and warnings for Afatinib


Before taking Afatinib, inform your doctor if you are allergic to it, or other ingredients present in medicine or have other allergies.


This medicine can also contain some inactive ingredients which can cause allergic reactions or other problems.


Before you start using Afatinib, make sure to inform doctor about your medical history, especially of:


  • Liver disorders
  • Kidney problems
  • Eye diseases such as keratitis, serious dry eyes
  • Stomach/intestinal problems like diverticular disease & ulcers


Intake of this medicine can cause blurred vision in some patients.


Do not drive, use heavy machines, or do any activity that demands clear vision unless you are able to perform safely.


Sometimes, this medicine can make you more sensitive to sun. Make sure to limit your time in sun.


You must avoid tanning booths and sunlamps. Try using sunscreen and wear protective clothing when moving out from home.


In case, you get sunburned or have skin blisters/redness then inform doctor right away.


Inform doctor if you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant. You must not become pregnant while using this medicine.


Afatinib might harm an unborn baby. Ask doctor about reliable forms of birth control while using this drug or almost 2 weeks after last dose.


In case, you become pregnant then talk to a doctor right away about all risks and benefits of Afatinib.


It is still unknown whether Afatinib passes into breast milk or not. Due to possible risk to infants, breastfeeding is not recommended.


While using this medication and for 2 weeks after last dosage of Afatinib, breastfeeding should be avoided.


Serious diarrhea might occur during treatment with Afatinib tablet.


In this condition, patients can take anti-diarrheal medications like loperamide which can be taken unless loss of stools stops.


Side effects of Afatinib


Remember doctor has prescribed you this medicine because he has judged that benefits to you are more than risk of side effects.


Several people using Afatinib tablet do not experience any kind of serious side effects.


Diarrhea is a common side effect of Afatinib. Make sure to drink plenty of fluids as suggested by doctor to reduce risk of dehydration.


To control your symptoms, your doctor can prescribe some effective anti-diarrhea medicine.


Swelling/redness of lips, mouth sores, nose bleed, dry or itchy skin, and nausea are some common side effects of Afatinib.


In case, any of these side effects continue or become worse with time then contact your doctor quickly.


However, mild side effects of this medicine start disappearing after some days when your body adjusts to Afatinib.


During treatment, you can also experience some other Aafatinib side effects including:


  • Vision changes
  • Symptoms of low level of potassium in blood
  • Signs of bladder infection like burning/pain when you urinate, frequent urination
  • Skin infections around toenails/nails


Get medical help, if you experience any serious side effects such as:


  • Signs of lung problems like chest pain and trouble in breathing
  • Symptoms of heart failure like sudden weight gain, swelling of ankles/feet, shortness of breath, and unusual tiredness


Afatinib might rarely cause serious liver disease or tear in stomach/intestinal wall in some patients.


In case, you have symptoms like loss of appetite, stomach/abdominal pain, dark urine, or yellowing of eyes/skin, meet a doctor right away.




Drug interactions can alter how your medicines work or increase risk of experiencing severe side effects.


Share a list of all products you use including prescription & non-prescription medicines and herbal supplements.


Do not start, stop, or change dosage of any medications without approval from a doctor. 

Using Afatinib with any following medicines is not recommended and can cause drug interactions.


Avoid taking below-stated medicines during treatment with Afatinib:


  • Adagrasib
  • Amiodarone
  • Apalutamide
  • Capmatinib
  • Carvedilol
  • Clarithromycin
  • Dronedarone
  • Fibanserin
  • Erythromycin


Frequently asked questions about Afatinib (FAQs)


  • Is Afatinib a chemotherapy medication or an immunotherapy?


Afatinib is neither an immunotherapy nor a conventional chemotherapy. It belongs to a class of drugs called anti-cancer medications.


This medicine works in your body by obstructing a group of proteins. All these proteins are further involved in growth & spread of cancer cells.


By blocking activity of these proteins, Afatinib stops cancer cells in body from growing & multiplying.


  • How long does Afatinib work in body?


Peak levels of Afarinib are reached within 2 to 5 hours after its consumption.


This medicine might take a few weeks or months to show a noticeable change in progression of cancer.


Symptoms might improve noticeably but effectiveness of Afatinib can only be confirmed after determining certain tests.


  • Can Afatinib have an effect on your fertility?


Afatinib might reduce fertility in both men and women. In case, you have any queries about fertility then talk to a doctor.


It might be possible that doctor recommends sperm or egg preservation before starting treatment with Afatinib.


  • Can Afatinib cure your lung cancer?


No, Afatinib is not effective in curing lung cancer but it can extend survival of a patient by reducing size of tumor.


  • What can I do if I suffer from diarrhea due to Afatinib treatment?


Diarrhea is considered a very common side effect of Afatinib tablet.


Serious diarrhea might cause excessive loss of body fluids and kidney disorders that can even lead to death.


When you experience first signs of diarrhea, start drinking water and contact doctor immediately.


Your doctor will begin effective antidiarrheal treatment as soon as possible.


If you develop serious diarrhea then your dose might be reduced or discontinuation of therapy can be done.


  • Where to buy Afatinib?


Afatinib can be purchased from Sanford pharmacy drugstore without the prescription from a doctor.

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